The Gallery, WESTMINSTER ART REFERENCE LIBRARY 35 St. Martin’s Street, London WC2H 7HP
7th to 24th May 2013 Mon-Fri 10-8, Saturday 10-5
Foster explores the intangible dimensions hidden within everyday life. By drawing attention to these simple experiences and recording finds she gives them a physical manifestation. The pieces include the results of a three-year project collecting over 2,500 coins found in and around London streets. By documenting their location, time and value, she completes the journey and makes their history concrete.
Also on show will be a series of new works taking as their starting point the recorded data of whether a coin thrown, found or flipped shows Heads or Tails. Each piece remaining true to the recorded data but the criteria for their construction being different.
For the duration of the show Foster will be in the gallery daily creating a single, site-specific piece. This unique work, applied directly to the gallery wall and existing only as long as the show is open, will be based on chance criteria that will be determined whilst the show, and the piece, progress.
Wall piece Heads = Red Tails = White Click image to view film